If you have recently been injured in a construction accident, it can be difficult to know what to do. Injuries in general are stressful, but injuries on the job can become vastly more complicated. Ironing out insurance, worker’s compensation, and whether you will be filing a lawsuit. However, the process after a construction accident can be much more simple if you have the right support. We at LeBaron and Jenson provide legal representation to those that have been in a construction accident. Reach out to us for legal support. Continue reading to learn more about what you should do if you have been injured in a construction accident.
What To Do If You Were Injured In A Construction Accident
#1: Report The Injury
In the aftermath of a construction accident, it can be very stressful and confusing as to what to do. Due to accidents often being sudden, it can be hard to remember to report the accident when trying to get medical attention or you may just not think that the injury was that bad. However, it is extremely important to report the injury both to the police and your company, whether or not the injury was large. Always report to the police first, as oftentimes construction companies want to keep injuries hush-hush. A report documents what has happened, as well as alerts people to potentially dangerous conditions in the workplace that need to be addressed.
#2: Get Medical Help
The next step after you have reported the construction accident is to get medical attention. Even if the injury does not seem to be extreme, a medical exam could reveal that the injury is worse than you originally thought. A medical record can also be useful in documenting that the injury happened and can determine the severity of the injuries, which can be useful for insurance and legal purposes.
#3: Collect Witnesses
On the day of your injury, it would likely be difficult to speak to everyone that witnessed your accident. However, it is so important to collect these witnesses, especially if you want to file a lawsuit. If you cannot speak to anyone, have a trusted coworker get the names and phone numbers of everyone involved and give this information to the police or your lawyer. A thorough investigation is extremely important. Oftentimes, people forget details quickly, so it is important to gather information as soon as you can after an accident.
#4: Prepare Workers Compensation Documentation
Another important thing to remember to do after getting injured in a construction accident is to prepare a file with your company for worker’s compensation. In Utah, with very few exceptions, all companies are required to provide workers compensation insurance to their employees. However, in order to use it, employees must fill out a report and paperwork in order to reap the benefits of the workers compensation.
#5: Get In Contact With A Personal Injury Attorney
The last thing that you will need to do following a construction accident is to get in contact with a personal injury attorney. The right attorney will be able to make sure that you are covered for your recovery period. Legal representation is a good idea after any serious injury, but is especially useful when you are dealing with entities like business or a workplace.
Do You Need A Personal Injury Attorney?
If you or a family member have recently been in a construction accident and are in need of a personal injury attorney, we at LeBaron and Jenson would be happy to be of assistance. We are experienced in personal injury law and offer our clients professional and intuitive legal advice. For more information, feel free to reach out to us today.
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