If you are a young person, getting a will is likely low on your priority list. However there are several reasons why every adult should get a will. Getting a will is a relatively inexpensive process and can protect you and those you love from a variety of problems. Continue reading to learn more about why it is important to get a will.
What Is A Will?

Before getting into why it is important to get a will, let’s define what a will is. A will is a document that outlines how a person’s estate will be administered after their death. A will can also designate how minor children will be taken care of. Typically young adults are not thinking about getting a will because they are likely years and years away from needing one. Yet, in most states, people can get their first will when they are 18 years old. If a will is not written, a person’s property will be distributed by the probate court after their death.
Reasons To Get A Will
You Can Protect Your Assets From Probate Court
There are many reasons to get a will. The first reason is that you can better protect your assets from probate. As previously mentioned, without a will, a person’s property will have to move through probate court. This is an extremely expensive process and can take months to years to complete. Having a will helps your family avoid having to work through the probate process.
You Choose Your Heirs
Another reason why a will is important is because you get to choose your heirs. Typically, a person’s property will go to their surviving spouse and children and then extended family members if there is no other designation. However, a will may be useful if you are wanting to leave an inheritance to friends or charity. Writing a will also allows you to designate how much of your property will go to whom.
You Can Provide For Minor Children
An important reason why younger people should consider getting a will is to provide for minor children in the event that you are unable to. If you die while your children are under the age of 18, you can express whom you would like their guardian to be in your will. While the courts can decide this, you will likely have a better understanding of who would best watch out for your children.
You Can Decide Your Will’s Executor
As part of writing your will, you will designate an executor. Your will’s executor will be the person to administer your estate to the heirs. An executor also has the responsibility of paying your debts, canceling credit cards, and closing your accounts. This is a position of great responsibility and trust. The court will simply select someone to be your estate executor without a will. However, you will likely know the most qualified and trustworthy person to execute your will.
Do You Want To Write A Will?
It is vital to get in contact with a talented and knowledgeable attorney to help you write your will. We at LeBaron & Jensen are well established and have several wonderful attorneys that are experienced with writing wills and helping clients move through the probate process and quickly and easily as possible. Not only do we provide excellent legal advice for estate planning, but we also provide legal advice and case reviews for a variety of other topics. If you would like to get a will or would like to talk to one of our attorneys, feel free to reach out to us today.
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