Although they are few and far between, aviation accidents tragically do happen on occasion. If you were involved in an aviation accident you may be curious about who is liable in an aviation accident. For more information about aviation accidents, to learn who is liable in an aviation accident, or to get representation for your personal injury case, continue reading or reach out to us at LeBaron & Jensen.
What Are The Most Common Types Of Aviation Accidents?
Most of the time, there is a reason why any type of accident occurs. This is especially true for aviation accidents. Sometimes there are situations where there was nothing that could have been done but in some cases, there could have been a slew of errors that occurred. If there was some sort of negligence involved, then a person injured in an aviation accident may be entitled to answers and compensation.

The most common causes of aviation accidents are as follows:
- Pilot error
- Mechanical problems
- A defect in the plane
- An error with the air control traffic
- Defective runways
Most often when an aviation accident happens, it is due to multiple problems or a series of errors. What a good lawyer will do when an aviation accident case comes to their attention is identify all the problems that led up to the accident. This information will help in a personal injury case by finding all the potential factors and people involved.
Who Is Liable In An Aviation Accident?
The question of who is liable in an aviation accident could be answered in a variety of ways. As previously explained, aviation accidents could be caused by all sorts of different factors, which can impact who is liable in an aviation accident case. If there was human error involved with the aircraft, the person who would be liable would most likely be the owner or operator of the aircraft.
Owners are held to a very high standard regarding legal “duty to care.” If there were injuries caused to anyone on board the airplane including passengers, people injured on the ground due to the crash, and the pilot, then the owner of the plane will be liable to pay for those damages. If there was a problem with the machinery of the build of the plane, or some sort of malfunction having to do with the plane model, then the manufacturer could be responsible. If there was a fault in the design of the plane, the manufacturer could again be liable.
In commercial aircraft accidents, there could be multiple people held responsible for the accident and the resulting injuries. In both commercial and personal airplanes, the pilot could be liable if they did not have proper training. The pilot could also be sued if he or she did not operate the plane in a reasonable and safe manner. Also, if the pilot failed to keep in contact with ground control and something happened, the pilot again could be liable for the accident. However, ground control could also be liable if they did not properly communicate or if they gave the pilot incorrect instructions and information.
Have You Been Injured In An Aviation Accident?
If you or your family have been injured or had a death in your family due to an aviation accident, you could be entitled to compensation. We at LeBaron & Jenson have extensive experience working with aviation accident cases. We know how difficult it can be during this kind of situation to know what to do. We would be happy to help you with your aviation accident case. We at LeBaron & Jenson also represent all sorts of other personal injury cases, so if you find yourself needing a personal injury attorney, feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to helping you with your case.